Winning POWERBALL Group Entry System

Winning Powerball USA requires victory over Odds of 292,201,338 – that is how many different ways there are to play Powerball USA, and why you are having so much trouble winning!

However, there are Smart Strategies for Winning Powerball. The first step is to first examine the Win Structure for Powerball. Powerball USA has NINE ways to win, as follows:

Powerball only
Done For You Winning Powerball Systems 1 main number + Powerball
2 main numbers + Powerball
3 main numbers + Powerball
4 main numbers + Powerball
5 main numbers + Powerball

As you can see, six of the nine ways to win Powerball require having the Powerball itself.

The remaining 3 ways to win Powerball are:

5 Main Numbers

4 Main Numbers

3 Main Numbers

You get no payout for 2 main Powerball numbers or 1 main Powerball number. However, just getting the Powerball itself does give you a small payout. Your odds of winning First Prize are, as we said, 1-in-292,201,338 – so the SMART Powerball Strategy is to play for as many small wins as possible while still targeting First Prize.

The simple strategy you can implement yourself is one of these two, depending in your budget.

First, play 14 games that include all 69 main numbers (and one twice) then add all 13 odd balls or all 13 even balls, whichever you think is most likely.  Some weeks past results will indicate an even Powerball is due, some weeks past results will indicate an odd Powerball is due, and some weeks you will just have to guess!  We suggest having two sets of coupons marked, both with all 69 main numbers but one set with odd Powerballs and one set with even Powerballs.  The second strategy is to simply play 28 games if you can afford it, or have a small group entry, that covers all of the main numbers twice and all of the Powerballs plus 2 twice.

While the only guaranteed result is a payout of 1 Powerball-Only win with the 28 game entry, covering ALL of the balls is a lot smarter than simply trusting a Quick Pick.

So, how do we move onto something better?

We can create a 66-game Powerball entry for you that guarantees 2 of the main 5 balls together.  You can add all 26 Powerballs 2 or 3 times.  This does NOT guarantee that you will get a payout of 2 main numbers + the Powerball. However, since you have the Powerball correct 2 or 3 times and all of the 69 main numbers at least 4 times, the chances of things lining up are a lot better than trusting Lady Luck for everything.

At just 66 games to get organized it is ideal for a Workplace or Family entry. We can create and email an entry for you. Everyone gets different numbers – simply Paypal $35 to me by clicking the following link –

and we will email the 66 x 5-number games to you and you can randomly add all 26 Powerballs 2-3 times to complete your entry. PLEASE ask at least 3 business days (Mon-Fri) before the draw; we do get pretty busy at times and do not work weekends.

We can guarantee a minimum of 1 main ball + the Powerball in just 364 games; if that is your preference, Paypal $65 to me by clicking the following link –

Moving on, we CAN guarantee a Payout of 2 main numbers + the Powerball BUT it requires 1716 games to do it. We create the numbers for you (including the Powerball) and email them to you. Now 1716 games is a little expensive to play so you will need a fairly large Group and should only play this when Powerball is over $100 Million. The cost of creating your 1716 game numbers is $195 – please click the following link to pay –

And of course someone always asks, “How many games to Guarantee a Payout of 3 main numbers + the Powerball?’ Yes, we can do it but we only recommend this if MegaMillions has a massive jackpot. It requires playing a massive 39,182 games so not really a viable option – But we CAN do it.

Whatever your playing level, we suggest a highly organized entry rather than a Quick Pick. Let us help you with Winning Powerball !

3 time lotto winner shares Winning Powerball secrets

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